
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Two sweet daughters-in-law, Jennifer and Lisa.

Makale on his horse with Grandma. He's getting sleepy.

This was a surprise, Savannah cried and cried until the ride started. She is usually the daredevil. She was fine on everything after this. Makale was oblivious to the whole scene.

Grandma talked RJ into going on the roller coaster. This was before the ride started. He did NOT like it. He said it was toooooo fast! It went around twice. At the end of the first time he kept saying, stop, stop. I was afraid he would be upset but he seemed ok afterward. He didn't cry, he just had a ghostly face on the first few hills.
Grandma's sorry, RJ!

Part of the group before the train ride. Geniel and I sat behind them.

Savannah has the most gorgeous curly hair and a sweet face, but
don't let that fool you. She can hold her own with the boys.
You can sure tell she has a brother!
I miss the kids so much when they're gone. It's so sad to think of Jeremy, Lisa, and Makale leaving for Boise too in June. I always hoped to be closer to the grandchildren to spend more time with them.

Savannah does obey when you ask her to say "cheese". She's a ham.

We pushed back into the redwoods for a bit of shade to watch the kids play. It was a good thing that it was hot because Makale loves to throw water. My camera was not around when he had the measuring cup throwing water. Good thing because he and RJ got Grandma really good a couple times. I got RJ back getting him more wet. He was a good sport. Here he is growling to the camera. He wasn't crying like it looked.

Savannah and Makale just one week apart, and almost 2. They played together pretty well considering.

Makale just loves the water. You can see that in his face.

RJ and Makale decided to have a shouting match, and a loud one it was! I don't know who won but I know I lost some hearing!

Makale and Savannah hugging each other while waiting for the train to start. Jennifer is in town with the kids while Jared is in Belgium again working. We took the kids to Nut Tree amusement park. Lisa and Makale came along. Jennifer's Mom, Geniel and her brother Matthew also were with us. It was a really warm day but enjoyable day.
Makale loved the train although he was ready for a nap so after an hour Lisa and Makale went back to our house to rest up for the pool play later.

Makale and Savannah enjoying the train ride.
RJ and Matthew sat alone up at the front of the train.

Savannah and RJ's favorite ride was this airplane ride. They went on 3 times. I rode the third time with Savannah. Jen had had enough! Savannah giggled on every turn. She just loved it.

RJ and Matthew on one of the 3 turns on the airplanes. RJ loved this!

Matthew was a good sport considering most of these rides were a bit childish for him, but he did take RJ on the bumper cars 3 times too. They had a good time together.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Two great days! Jeremy and Lisa met at Sacramento State University and both graduated there.
What a handsome son. This was taken of Jeremy in 2004. I've been looking at old pics. Love ya Bud.

Scandia with the girls

What cute girls. Maj-lis and Donovyn. We took them to play mini-golf for the very first time. They both got a hole in one, truly by themselves! Wow

We have tried unsuccessfully to get all 6 of our children together since Scott and I blended our families over 11 years ago. This day in the summer of 2003 we came close, only one missing so we held the picture of Jared and Jen to include him. From the left (back row first) , me, Sammie, Kim, Jeremy & Lisa, Josh Wight, Ronna and Josh Majors, Scott. Front row, Maj-lis and Donovyn our only grandchildren at the time, Polly, and Scott Jr.
We have a great family and love you all!