
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Family Found

I met many of my real aunts and uncles Sunday, November 11 due to the loss of my Dad's brother, Richard, from injuries he sustained in a bad car accident a week before. My aunt Shirley Hamilton and her husband, M.C. came from Oklahoma. Stanley came from Virginia and DeJa and Sandy brought their mother, Virginia from Oregon. They all came to Judy and Wendell's home in Marysville, CA. We missed meeting another sister Eva by just a few minutes. My Dad is from a family of 8 children.
It was absolutely wonderful to meet them all after so many years. They made Scott and me feel so very loved and welcome. They all remembered me from when I was little. Shirley babysat me up until I was about 4. We had a great time getting to know each other. We hope to see them again!

Rachel's Baby Shower

It was so fun to see Rachel and Emily Wight, as well as their Mom, Donna. Donna's sister and mother were also there. Of course Debra was there too. It was a wonderful reunion. I hadn't seen them, except for Deb, for many years. Rachel's third child, Carmen, is due 1/21/08. She was just adorable. She and her boyfriend just finished moving back into their newly remodeled home. It was absolutely gorgeous!