About 15 minutes after Scott Jr.'s family left, Mom and Bob arrived. As we were finishing dinner and waiting for the dessert, chocolate souffle to bake Josh surprised us. Kim and Todd had driven all the way to Sacramento to get him. They went on to Todd's family. We got to visit with them when they came back to pick up Josh and take him home later in the evening. Bob was kind of looking like Rudolph there for a bit!
Donovyn pretending to be sleeping. Cadence likes to pose for the camera too.
Christmas morning Scott Jr, Polly, Donovyn, Maj-lis, and Cadence arrived all dressed up. They looked so pretty. Cadence had one of her twin dollies with her she got from Santa. It's name is dolly #2. Scott Jr. kept asking her if she was sure it wasn't dolly #1.
So Grandpa read to Kalven again, again, and again. It was always "one more Grandpa!".
Kalven finally gets to open his presents. He loves books and loves to be read to. That is a really good habit Ronna has passed on to him.
Christmas Eve was our "first Christmas celebration". We can't seem to get our kids together so instead we get to spend quality time when we do see them. Ronna and Gina came with Kalven which was a surprise because we were told his dad would have him but Ronna talked him into letting her have him since we didn't see him last year at our house. Here he is so PATIENTLY waiting to open his presents while we finished a conversation.
We got to see the girls twice in 3 days, the first was 12/22 to give Cadence her belated present (her birthday was in October when we were in Florida) and also Scott Jr. whose birthday was 12/17. Cadence has changed so much since we saw her last. Donovyn had a great time carrying around my camera taking pictures of everything she could.
Our yearly trip to St. George, Utah to visit Scott's family. This year it was just us and Eric's family that came. Stuart had car problems just prior to the week so he couldn't make it. We got to see the newest member of the family Nicole Joy Pearce, born January 07. She is so sweet.
Update on our bedroom- Danielle has ordered the bedding and the bathroom french door. We have installed a new electrical panel so we have enough circuits when we upgrade the bathrooms. I have installed new receptacles in the bedroom and lighting and installed the insulation in the walls. We still have a LOT to do!! It's not so overwhelming when you just think about each step of the way. We also picked out a new headboard and are still deciding on nightstands.
I love to renovate and decorate my home. I have loved French style since I was a teen. The dilema... I love many styles but can't afford to do them all. So I decided a blog would let me dream of all the rooms I would do if I had an unending amount of time and money. I hope to enjoy this with many others.