
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Savannah does obey when you ask her to say "cheese". She's a ham.

We pushed back into the redwoods for a bit of shade to watch the kids play. It was a good thing that it was hot because Makale loves to throw water. My camera was not around when he had the measuring cup throwing water. Good thing because he and RJ got Grandma really good a couple times. I got RJ back getting him more wet. He was a good sport. Here he is growling to the camera. He wasn't crying like it looked.

Savannah and Makale just one week apart, and almost 2. They played together pretty well considering.

Makale just loves the water. You can see that in his face.

RJ and Makale decided to have a shouting match, and a loud one it was! I don't know who won but I know I lost some hearing!

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