
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Two sweet daughters-in-law, Jennifer and Lisa.

Makale on his horse with Grandma. He's getting sleepy.

This was a surprise, Savannah cried and cried until the ride started. She is usually the daredevil. She was fine on everything after this. Makale was oblivious to the whole scene.

Grandma talked RJ into going on the roller coaster. This was before the ride started. He did NOT like it. He said it was toooooo fast! It went around twice. At the end of the first time he kept saying, stop, stop. I was afraid he would be upset but he seemed ok afterward. He didn't cry, he just had a ghostly face on the first few hills.
Grandma's sorry, RJ!

Part of the group before the train ride. Geniel and I sat behind them.

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